EMR-EHR Reviews and customer testimonials

HIMSS Davies Award winner

Praxis EMR user Jeremy Bradley, MD - 2012 HIMSS Davies Award winner

Praxis EMR Earns Physician the HIMSS Davies Award

Praxis EMR's template-free charting helps Jeremy Bradley, MD customize care, improve medical quality, and optimize clinical outcomes

We are honored to announce that Praxis user Dr. Jeremy Bradley is the winner of the prestigious Ambulatory HIMSS Davies Award. This national award recognizes excellence in the use of electronic health records (EHR) in a clinical setting.

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Praxis EMR allows me to practice medicine the best way I know how, so I become a better doctor every day. Switching to Praxis has yielded us a 45% increase in revenue, as well as the prestigious HIMSS Davies Award.

Jeremy Bradley, MD - Family Practice

How Dr. Bradley revolutionized his family practice:

Praxis allowed Dr. Bradley's office to achieve a new level of efficiency, reduce staff size, and spend more time with patients. Dr. Bradley sees a larger patient load, but spends 20% more time with each patient.
Since implementing Praxis, Dr. Bradley has built dozens of clinical practice guidelines to improve quality of care. His work in preventative medicine has earned him national recognition from Bridges to Excellence in diabetes, hypertension and physician office management. In addition, Dr. Bradley's clinic was the first ambulatory practice in Kentucky to receive Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) status from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).
Dr. Bradley achieved a first-year return on investment of over 250% and increased his patient load by 28%. The quality measures he implemented with Praxis also earned him reduced insurance premiums, bonuses for eprescribing, and a Stage I Meaningful Use incentive payment.
Dr. Bradley successfully attested for Stage I Meaningful Use quickly and easily, and is prepared to instantly adjust his clinical practice guidelines to accommodate the criteria of Stage II.
Dr. Bradley and his staff report that Praxis EMR has reduced office stress, allowed them to work far more efficiently, and given them a deep sense of satisfaction knowing they are providing better and better care.

Practice Medicine the way it was meant to be.

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