VMware Server


  • Avoid sharing this server with other network applications, such as billing software, etc.
  • Technical Specifications must be followed with attention and detail for satisfactory onsite performance. Please speak with our IT team before installing an on-premise server.

Required Hardware
Processor AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Procesor 3.80 GHz
Number of Processors 4
RAM Memory 32GB
Hard Drives
  Capacity Sequential Read/Write Random 4KB Read/Write  
Operating System 120GB SATA 6Gb/s 550 MB/s / 500 MB/s 25,000 IOPS / 80,000 IOPS  
PostgreSQL Database * 180GB / 240GB SATA 6Gb/s 550 MBs / 520 MB/s 50,000 IOPS / 80,000 IOPS  
    Interface RPM Cache
Backups * 1 TB (RAID1) SATA 6 Gb/s 7200 64 MB
* Redundancy is strongly recommended
Network Card 1000 Mbps Dual Intel Network Card, separate (not on board)

Required Software
Database PostgreSQL 12
Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2022 or higher
All the MS Windows Critical Updates from http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com
Screen Resolution 1366 x 768

VMware Terminal Server

Required Hardware
Processor AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Procesor 3.80 GHz
Number of Processors 4
RAM Memory 16GB
Hard Drive
    Capacity Sequential Read/Write Random 4KB Read/Write  
Operating System 1 x SSD 120GB SATA 6Gb/s 550 MB/s / 500 MB/s 25,000 IOPS / 80,000 IOPS  
Network Card 1000 Mbps Dual Intel Network Card, separate (not on board)

Required Software
Database PostgreSQL 12
Operating System Microsoft Windows Server 2022 or higher
All the MS Windows Critical Updates from http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com
Screen Resolution 1366 x 768

Required Internet

A connection to the Internet is critical, as it allows you to download Praxis updates from our website. You will also need it for one-on-one training and technical support.

For the e-prescribing module, a static external IP for your server is also needed, so that we may add it to our firewall.

Wireless or wired connection?

Praxis is compatible with both wireless and hardwired internet connections. Wired internet is the best choice for most practices for the following reasons:

  • Wireless connections are subject to interference from physical obstructions such as walls, decreasing signal strength and Praxis performance.
  • Wireless connections are generally transmitted via an omnidirectional antenna, meaning Praxis data can occasionally be lost.
  • Speed differences between wireless and wired are most significant when transferring Praxis data.
  • Routers typically run at 54 Mbps, and Praxis requires a 1000Mbps Dual Intel Network Card. The capacity of the Praxis connection may exceed that of your wireless router.
  • The further you are from your router, the slower your Praxis speed.
  • Wireless encryption - a security necessity - slows down wireless speed and Praxis performance.

Terminal Services

Terminal Services (also known as Remote Desktop Services) reduces the amount of network bandwidth required to access your database from a remote computer. This allows for powerful remote performance of both Praxis and PostgreSQL. Terminal Services is a great option for the following reasons:

  • You don't have to install Praxis and PostgreSQL on every device in your clinic.
  • Windows, Macintosh, and Unix users can all use Praxis on Terminal Services.
  • Users get the latest version of Praxis without having to upgrade individual workstations.

VMware improves application performance

See how

Praxis runs faster on SSD

Solid state hard drives (SSD) move data more quickly than traditional drives

New solid state hard drives (SSD) have appeared on the market with the capability to move information electronically rather than physically. Praxis runs dramatically faster on these solid state drives.

See how

Practice Medicine the way it was meant to be.

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