Praxis EMR rated #1 by Physicians for Ease of Use.

Physicians using Praxis continue to rate Praxis EMR the Best EHR in the Ease of Use / User Satisfaction surveys. A selection of responses from past User Satisfaction surveys carried out by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) can be seen below. Over the years Praxis has received a higher percentage of "strongly agree" ratings than any other EMR.

Client Success Stories

Praxis EMR - Cecelia Hissong, M.D., Family Medicine

The new Medicare coding requirements are so complicated you will spend half as much time figuring out the correct code as you spend with the patient - PRAXIS will be miles ahead of any other program in dealing with this.

Cecelia Hissong, M.D., Family Medicine, Dearborn, MI
Praxis EMR - Jose Victor Castellanos, MD, PLLC, Internal Medicine

I'm a big fan of the features of Praxis EMR. The template-free design, fast documentation, reporting tools, chart dictation, and scanning capabilities all within one program make it easy to work with.

Jose Victor Castellanos, MD, PLLC, Internal Medicine
Praxis EMR - Clayton Reynolds, M.D.

PRAXIS is an electronic engine that not only creates a chart, it takes us physicians to a position of control in the world of medical records ...

Clayton Reynolds, M.D., Lakeside Medical Associates, Lancaster, CA
Praxis EMR - John Davis, MD, Family Medicine

I must tell you Praxis is awesome in real time. The power and scope of functionality renews my excitement and enthusiasm in my practice of medicine.

John Davis, M.D., Family Medicine, Birmingham, AL
Praxis EMR - Daniel Griffin, M.D., Internal Medicine

PRAXIS dramatically improves my quality of care...the satisfaction of my patients, and the satisfaction of my colleagues to whom I refer my patients.

Daniel Griffin, M.D., Internal Medicine, Fort Collins, CO
Praxis EMR - Curtis E. Harris, M.S., M.D., J.D., Practicing Endocrinologist

... In addition, PRAXIS has another very valuable feature that you may not have considered: that is, enhanced legal protection for the busy practitioner.

Curtis E. Harris, M.S., M.D., J.D., Practicing Endocrinologist, Oklahoma City, OK

Practice Medicine the way it was meant to be.

Still using a Template EHR System?
Switch to Praxis EMR and start saving 2-3 hours a day.