Chronic pain physician board certified and recertified by the American Board of Anesthesiology, American Board of Anesthesiology in the Subspecialty of Pain Medicine, American Board of Pain Medicine, American Board of Medical Acupuncture and a Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice, World Institute of Pain. Affiliated with St Johns Mercy Medical Center in St Louis, MO for 25 years.
"With the advent of pay for performance and evidence-based medicine, Praxis responded with the ability to prospectively study your practice and show proof that you achieve the highest standard of care."
Thoracic surgeons deal with one of the most pertinent and fragile parts of the body, the inside of the chest. This is one of the most high-stress and challenging jobs that any person can have, and successful surgeries are often life-saving. With that said, the number of thoracic surgeons is shrinking at the same time demand for the specialty is growing. According to a 2016 study by the American Association for Thoracic Surgery, by 2035 there will be a 121% increase in caseload for thoracic surgeons.
The demand put on each thoracic surgeon is increasing, in a field that is mentally draining. Having an excellent EHR system is very helpful in making a practice’s work as efficient as possible. Template-based EHR systems are obtuse, with a constraining and tedious system. Praxis provides a template free system, with AI that learns and adapts from its user. As the system learns it becomes quicker and can adapt to the doctor, instead of the doctor being constrained by rigid templates. Charting much easier, in fact, physicians using Praxis consistently rate Praxis EMR number one in ease of use/user satisfaction surveys.
Exhaustion and stress are common for both the doctor and patient involved in thoracic surgery. This surgery can often be the difference between life and death. So it is crucial for a doctor to provide the highest quality care and best experience possible. Praxis is the best EHR for thoracic surgery because it enables the fast and easy charting and high quality medicine. With Praxis a doctor’s approach will become more refined over time allowing the doctor to provide the fastest and best quality care, making a patient's visit successful.
Praxis users report that it takes under 45 seconds to complete a chart. Each chart will be highly personalized to both doctor and patient, because of the customizability that Praxis delivers. As a result, the doctor can spend less time charting and more time focusing on their patients. The customizable treatment plans and records will be highly personalized to each patient. Praxis is the top WHR for thoracic surgery because it imparts the finest care possible.
The relationship between surgeon and patient is of utmost importance, and Praxis allows for a positive relationship to develop due to ease of charting and accessing health details.
Some patients prefer alternative treatments when receiving surgery, and Praxis allows the surgeon to customize and track healthcare plans.
Automatic tracking, trending and health maintenance of discrete lab values within the free text of the patient's chart.
In individual patient's files, indicate specific problems, family history details, surgical history details or other chart items as notifications.
Immediately view patient assessment forms, charts, graphs, printouts, a summary of lifestyle details and customizable treatment plans for all patients.
As surgeries can be difficult to accomplish in, Praxis eases the difficulties that come from using templates for health records and operates based on how individual surgeons practice.
Automated tracking and reporting to improve reimbursements and practice quality
Customized quality indicators for the surgery.