Chronic pain physician board certified and recertified by the American Board of Anesthesiology, American Board of Anesthesiology in the Subspecialty of Pain Medicine, American Board of Pain Medicine, American Board of Medical Acupuncture and a Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice, World Institute of Pain. Affiliated with St Johns Mercy Medical Center in St Louis, MO for 25 years.
"With the advent of pay for performance and evidence-based medicine, Praxis responded with the ability to prospectively study your practice and show proof that you achieve the highest standard of care."
Surgery is one of the most common reasons why a patient visits a hospital and can be an essential for saving a life. Surgeries done incorrectly can lead to many detrimental, long lasting/life threatening.
The Stanford Health Care Center found that almost 50 million surgeries are performed every year in the United States. According to CBS News, 3 million patients in the U.S. are taken to hospitals for emergency surgeries every year.
There are a wide variety of strategies and surgeries utilized to treat patients and cure various conditions. As each patient is unique, the goal for each surgery is different, including repairing an organ, transplants, or implanting a medical device. Surgeries are as vital as they are complex; therefore surgeons must be able to rely on a strong EHR system.
Since surgeons rely on strategies from a wide variety of disciplines, it is necessary to have a flexible EHR system that acquires more intelligence the more often the doctor utilizes it. The AI that Praxis uses learns and adapts to the surgeon's practice, thus reducing time spent with the system and allowing more time to be spent with the patient.
Praxis EMR is the best EHR for surgeons and subspecialties because it manages the assessment of the patient and progressively learns from the user to become quicker and more knowledgeable. Praxis has been shown to reduce the amount of time surgeons spend managing confusing templates that are based on outdated approaches.
The relationship between surgeon and patient is of utmost importance, and Praxis allows for a positive relationship to develop due to ease of charting and accessing health details.
Some patients prefer alternative treatments when receiving surgery, and Praxis allows the surgeon to customize and track healthcare plans.
Automatic tracking, trending and health maintenance of discrete lab values within the free text of the patient's chart.
In individual patient's files, indicate specific problems, family history details, surgical history details or other chart items as notifications.
Immediately view patient assessment forms, charts, graphs, printouts, a summary of lifestyle details and customizable treatment plans for all patients.
As successful surgeries can be difficult to accomplish, Praxis eases the difficulties that come from using templates for health records and operates based on how individual surgeons practice.
Automated tracking and reporting to improve reimbursements and practice quality
Customized quality indicators for the surgery.