"...the beauty is that the next time I see a similar patient, Praxis remembers everything, it does it all for me. No template system does this."
"Praxis is the most wonderful EMR out there because it allows you to practice medicine the way you want to practice it. At the same time, it allows you to share your information with other practitioners so that they can learn from you, and you can also learn from them and share their information."
Partnership between the patient and the practitioner.
Consideration of all factors that influence health, wellness, disease - including mind, body and spirit.
Scientifically sound treatment concepts.
Promotes less-invasive and less-harmful interventions while addressing the whole person in addition to the disease.
Physician remains open to self-exploration and self-development.
The belief in the concept that medicine is based on good science, is inquiry-driven and open to critical consideration of new paradigms.
Broad concepts of health promotion/illness prevention and healthy living.
Use of conventional and alternative methods to facilitate the body's innate healing response.