The Best EHR
for Nephrology

Praxis EMR - Harry M. Goldin, M.D., Dermatology

Harry M. Goldin, M.D.

4709 Golf Road, Suite 1000, Skokie, IL

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"No other EHR application compares to the features and characteristics of Praxis. It adapts to me and my style which helps me work so much quicker and efficiently."

Praxis is fast. There is no faster way to chart medicine.

The concentration of nephrologists is to diagnose and treat conditions, disturbances, or disorders in the kidneys. Organs in the urinary system, the kidneys are integral to blood filtration as they remove waste materials from the circulatory system and release them out of the body through urination. The kidneys also make red blood cells as well as balance blood pressure. Improper kidney function can be harmful to the entire body, which is why the role of a nephrologist is critical.

Praxis is Easy to Use. Your Medicine. Your Way.

With the increasing demand for nephrologists, medical providers are finding limitations with template-based EHRs, as they are stringent and obstructive to the growth of the physician. Praxis EMR is the top-rated EHR for physicians as it saves time charting, allowing physicians to spend quality time serving their patients. The template-free format of Praxis allows for physicians to be flexible and personalize their care to their patients.

Praxis improves Medical Quality. Practice your best under any situation.

Praxis EMR is the best EHR for nephrologists as it uses AI technology to adapt to the physician's preferences and charting style. The Praxis Core Processor learns from the physician's usage, creating a custom system that is modified to fit the nephrologists practice. Physicians choose Praxis as it removes the barrier of template-style charting and frees physicians to focus on their patients. Praxis EMR is the leading EHR software for nephrologists due to its efficiency, profitability, and responsiveness.

Specialty Case Studies

Praxis EMR - Steven McKenzie, M.D., Family Practice

Steven McKenzie, M.D.

Family Practice, Valley Medical Family Practice

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Praxis EMR - Cecelia Hissong, M.D., Family Practice

Cecelia Hissong, M.D.

Family Practice, Cecelia Hissong MD, PC

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Praxis EMR - Jeremy L. Bradley, M.D., Family Practice

Jeremy Bradley, M.D.

Family Practice, FAAFP, Owensboro, Kentucky

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Praxis EMR - Dr. Robert Comeau, OB/GYN

Dr. Robert Comeau

OB/GYN, Las Vegas,

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Learn More about the Best EHR for Nephrology

Praxis EMR - Dr. Stephen Hsieh, Internal Medicine

Dr. Stephen Hsieh

Internal Medicine

"Praxis is the most wonderful EMR out there because it allows you to practice medicine the way you want to practice it. At the same time, it allows you to share your information with other practitioners so that they can learn from you, and you can also learn from them and share their information."

Praxis for Your Practice


Nephrologists utilize Praxis to track patient results from BUN testing, blood draws, urinalysis, and more. Praxis is the best EMR system for physicians to clearly graph and organize patient chart information, including family history, lifestyle health, and other lab results.

Optimize Your Care:

ENT specialists need an EHR that is the best for the individual. With Praxis, physicians can personalize their recordkeeping, creating an advanced and custom system that works for the user and improves the quality of care.


Nephrologists compile test results in the Praxis EMR software diligently and effortlessly. Physicians can consolidate GFRs, biopsies, urine cultures, and other diagnostic results including serum creatinine tests, laparoscopies, CTs, MRIs, ultrasounds in one universal software.


The template-free format of Praxis EMR works best for nephrologists as it accommodates individual patient's files, indicates their specific problems, lists family history and surgical history, all fit to the specific patient.


Praxis EMR's AI processing engine learns from the user and adapts to the style of the physician. The flexible and observant nature of the Praxis software makes the nephrologist’s experience unique and effortless.


The template-free configuration of Praxis EMR makes it the best EHR to individualize patient treatment as it acclimates to ENT physician preferences and implementation.

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