The Best EHR
for Anesthesiology

Praxis EMR - Doctor Michael Gantt, MD, Internal Medicine

Doctor Michael Gnatt, MD

Gnatt Medical Associates in Rockville, MD

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"I trust Praxis because it is a reliable software. It quickly adjusts to my practice and my patients, and I'm not limited by templates. Praxis is the best for recordkeeping. Documenting visits, ordering tests, generating letters and handouts, prescribing meds, complying with Medicare requirements are all easier with Praxis."

Praxis is fast. There is no faster way to chart medicine.

According to a recent survey by Medscape, upwards of 42% (Anesthesiologist Lifestyles - Burnout: A Medscape Survey) of anesthesiologists report feeling burned out. Burn out translates to a loss of enthusiasm for one’s work and results in feeling unsatisfied professional and can lead to depression. Anesthesiologists list factors such as an interrupted personal life, a disruptive work environment, and bureaucratic duties as some of the leading causes for burnout. Though interruptions at work may be warranted, they can impact the charting process. Praxis EMR realizes the obligation to take detailed patient notes must be taken seriously and strives to make the process easier for the anesthesiologist. Like all medical specialties, anesthesiologists have unique challenges that they face every day. Praxis EMR assists today's Anesthesiologist in order to overcome these critical challenges.

Praxis is Easy to Use. Your Medicine. Your Way.

Moreover, given such a vital role in the safe and effective preparation of patient procedures, anesthesiologists rely heavily on clear and efficient charting of patient health information to prioritize the physician-patient relationship and optimize excellent care delivery. Additionally, anesthesiologists are in high demand and normally face packed schedules that often force them to make critical trade-offs between care delivery and the cultivation of the physician-patient relationship.

Templates don't work.

In general, today's Anesthesiology EHR systems are based on structured templates technology or a one-size fits all approach, requiring physicians to select from endless pick-lists to chart patient encounters. Templates require high levels of clicking and data entry and providers experience high degrees of dissatisfaction, often spending twice as much time with their EHR as they do with their patients . Most physicians today describe their EHR as cumbersome, rigid, and difficult to use and would not recommend the system to a colleague. Template EHRs do not help anesthesiologists because they are not designed to handle the documentation requirements facing anesthesiologists today.

Praxis EMR Patient-Provider Portal

Template EHRs can also lead to information overload. Being bogged down by all this data can contribute to anesthesiologist burnout. If anesthesiologists spend their day constantly searching for what’s most important in an EHR patient chart, while being shown a lot of irrelevant information, this has a significant impact of provider productivity and efficiency - and the solution lies in a new, easier-to-use EMR.

Praxis improves Medical Quality. Practice your best under any situation.

Practicing anesthesiologists deserve better than a template EHR. A top EHR for anesthesiology must help rather than hurt the overburdened physician by enabling them to have more face-to-face contact with patients and less data entry and screen time. The top EHR for anesthesiology practices must be fast, intuitive, easy to use, and offer health maintenance, disease management, and clinical quality reporting to help the physician practice excellence.

Praxis EMR Patient-Provider Portal

Based on an AI engine that acquires knowledge from the user, Praxis offers a one-of-its-kind solution as a template-free Anesthesiology EHR. The Praxis Concept Processor becomes increasingly faster and intelligent, allowing anesthesiologists to chart in seconds. Seriously - try it yourself!

Praxis Electronic Health Record - Best rated American EHR
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Praxis Electronic Health Record - Best rated AAFP
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Praxis Electronic Health Record - Best rated Capterra
Praxis Electronic Health Record - Best rated Software Advice

Praxis involves fewer clicks and avoids information overload caused by the template which force the eyes to search over often irrelevant "noisy" data. Praxis enables anesthesiologists to practice medicine based on their personal style, to improve their method and prevent medical errors, and to practice smarter and higher quality medicine. Praxis is an anesthesiology EHR which is totally customizable to office and clinical workflow, enabling greater productivity to every aspect of the anesthesiology care setting.

Learn more about the unique Anesthesiology AI of Praxis EMR

Specialty Case Studies

Praxis EMR - Steven McKenzie, M.D., Family Practice

Steven McKenzie, M.D.

Family Practice, Valley Medical Family Practice

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Praxis EMR - Cecelia Hissong, M.D., Family Practice

Cecelia Hissong, M.D.

Family Practice, Cecelia Hissong MD, PC

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Praxis EMR - Jeremy L. Bradley, M.D., Family Practice

Jeremy Bradley, M.D.

Family Practice, FAAFP, Owensboro, Kentucky

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Praxis EMR - Dr. Robert Comeau, OB/GYN

Dr. Robert Comeau

OB/GYN, Las Vegas,

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The Intelligent Anesthesiology Practice

Patient Demographic Information Integration

Seamlessly import your existing patient demographic information into Praxis for an easy switch into a new EMR system that allows users to visually graph and chart patient information.

Patient Information Always Accessible

With Praxis, physicians can remotely access information anywhere at any time. This saves the hassle of needing to sort through endless paper charts in the office to get the information needed.

Save Countless Hours

Praxis saves anesthesiologists countless hours that would have otherwise been spent on charts or other template heavy EMRs. This extra time allows physicians to focus on their patients more, promoting a stronger bond between the patient and the doctor.

Develop Customized Care Plans

As the different subspecialties in the field of anesthesiology vary greatly in their needs and treatment plans, Praxis allows for unique care plans for each patient that can be monitored and customized at the user's will.

Assessment and Patient-Specific Practice Advisories

Intelligent reminders give clinical parameters, family history details, surgical history details or other chart items as alerts. This is super helpful to see client history before issuing treatment!

Practice Anesthesiology Your Way

Praxis EMR employs a unique AI system that learns from the user as it goes. The more Praxis is used, the faster Praxis learns and grows, accustomed to the individual style of wording that each anesthesiologist practices with.

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Practice Medicine the way it was meant to be.

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Switch to Praxis EMR and start saving 2-3 hours a day.