Praxis EMR and the American Academy of Family Physicians: A Proven Track Record of Success

Praxis EMR has a proven track record of #1 success in the American Academy of Family Physician's (AAFP) EHR User Satisfaction Surveys. The surveys (conducted in 2008, 2009 and 2011) tap into the first-hand experiences of the AAFP's nearly 100,000 strong member base, making these the largest, most thorough and objective surveys of EHR user satisfaction in the industry.

Survey results are published in the AAFP's Family Practice Management Journal to help doctors make informed decisions when it comes to the purchase of an EMR. The complete surveys are available to AAFP members at the AAFP website.

2012: Praxis is Ranked #1 Overall

Praxis EMR was rated the #1 EHR overall in the American Academy of Family Physicians' (AAFP) 2012 EHR User Satisfaction Survey, sweeping 13 of 19 categories. Praxis EMR received #1 ratings in overall satisfaction, as well as in the areas of efficiency, productivity, and medical quality.

Praxis EMR was the only system for which a majority of users agreed that 'This EHR helps me see more patients per day (or go home earlier) than I could with paper charts.' Praxis users overwhelmingly responded "strongly agree" to the following statements, earning Praxis #1 ratings in these categories:

  • I am highly satisfied with this EHR
  • I enjoy using this EHR.
  • I can see more patients or go home earlier.
  • EHR notes promote better patient care.
  • I can find information easily and efficiently.
  • EHR clearly displays information/no clutter.
  • EHR helps avoid me making mistakes.
  • I can complete tasks efficiently.
  • EHR helps me focus on patient care.
  • EHR alerts are concise, appropriate, helpful.
  • EHR offers useful disease management tools.
  • EHR offers useful preventive medicine tools.
  • Messaging/tasking is fast, easy, effective.

The survey analyzed the responses of 3,088 physician users of 31 different EHR systems. Praxis EMR also earned number one scores in previous surveys conducted in 2008, 2009, and 2011.

See the full survey here. (Edsal, Robert L., Adler, Kenneth G; The 2012 EHR User Satisfaction Survey, Family Practice Management, November-December 2012)

2011: Praxis On Top Again

Thirty leading EHRs were rated in 17 areas by 2,719 physicians and, as in past AAFP surveys, Praxis EMR ranked towards the top in all categories, taking first place honors in:

  • Number One in Health Maintenance.
  • Number One in Training and Support.

This marks the second time in a row that Praxis EMR takes the top ranking in Health Maintenance, and the third consecutive survey in which Praxis Training and Support ranks number one. The survey states, "The area of lowest satisfaction is EHR vendor support and training . . . Clearly vendors have some work to do in this area." Praxis has nearly 90 percent satisfaction in that area among survey participants.

2009: Best in Medical Quality

For the second consecutive year Praxis EMR took first place rankings in the survey. A total of 2,556 doctors participated in the 2009 survey, reporting on 142 different EHRs. The field was narrowed to the top 22 vendors and covered reviews by 1,755 physicians.

  • Number One in Medical Quality.
  • Number One in Health Maintenance.
  • Number One in Disease Management.
  • Number One in Training and Support.

Praxis EMR is particularly proud of its first place ranking in quality medicine, which demonstrates the superiority of its template-free approach when it comes to making a significant difference in the field of medicine.

2008: Praxis Sweeps Survey

Praxis EMR ranked number one in the 2008 EHR survey. Results were based on survey data collected from 422 physicians. Out of 61 systems represented, the 13 most popular systems were surveyed in depth in five categories. Praxis EMR swept four out of the five categories in the report, and was the top EMR overall.

  • Number One in Overall Satisfaction.
  • Number One in Ease of Use and Flexibility.
  • Number One in Service and Support.
  • Number One in Return on Investment.

The AAFP EHR Survey results also showed that among all physician-users, those using Praxis EMR felt most strongly about the value of the system in relation to the system’s cost.

Most significantly, Praxis EMR was the only EMR to have 100% of respondents state that they would "never go back to using paper records."

Physicians choose Praxis EMR as the best among the 10 best EHR systems. See why Praxis EMR is the #1 Rated Electronic Health Record EHR Software in User Satisfaction.


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